News Roundup

The cover for Light's Bane has been finalized and will be revealed at a blog TBA on 29 April 2014. The cover blurb is up on the book's page. As soon as I can, I'll have an official cover reveal through my newsletter and on this blog, so keep an eye out for that. LB is scheduled for publication on or about 13 June 2014.


I'm about halfway through the first draft of The Enemy Within. I've hit that sweet spot where the story is gaining speed, building toward the climax (Ha ha. Not that kind of climax.), and my ideas on how it should unfold are pretty firm. I've been tickling Richard's funny bone with readings of scenes deleted from the first draft. Those may show up in the Imaginarium at a future date, probably after TEW is published.


If you've been keeping an eye on the tentative release schedule (to the right), then you've noticed a couple of additions. A few weeks ago, I made a publication schedule for the next two years so that I can keep up with which story is in what stage at any given time. Since work on TEW is going so well, I feel safe in tentatively releasing information about other upcoming stories.

There are a couple of almost surprises there, the biggest one being a single title, interstitial novel set in the world of the People that isn't a part of the regular series. I've written about this before, but wanted to confirm that, yes, Hawthorne's tale will be told and is scheduled for publication in December 2014. I'll begin working on the first draft probably in June, although I'm already developing the plot and characters. This one should be a fun read, in spite of the serious inter-People issues explored. (Hint: It involves something that will come up briefly in LB and dealt with more thoroughly in TEW.)

I also plan to release two novellas this year, one in August and the other in November. I've been developing the story world, plot, and characters for the November novella since about December 2013. As you can likely tell from the title, it will be a holiday story and, yes, it's a paranormal romance, of a sort, though not set in the world of the People. I'll have more information on it later in the year.

The other novella, scheduled for release in August, is entirely up in the air at this point. I'm bouncing back and forth between two ideas, one of which is to continue building the world I introduced in A Higher Purpose, but with different characters. I'd really like to have input from readers on this, so if anyone has a preference, feel free to drop me a note.