News Roundup

I had a really awesome surprise this afternoon when I started my workday. Marisa at Reading to Distraction posted a glowing review of Light's Bane (Daughters of the People, Book 2), calling Dani a "certified sparkplug who is tough as nails and isn't about to let a guy (even a really awesome one) interfere with duty." I've always wondered why readers seem to enjoy Light's Bane more than the other books. Now I think I know why. Thanks, Marisa!


In anticipation of next month's release of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4), I've placed the first scene on the book's page. I'll likely have another excerpt and a couple of teasers out for y'all between now and then.


I've had my nose to the grindstone for the past few weeks, writing madly away on two different projects. The first is Say Yes, due out tentatively in April. I'm right on schedule with it and very pleased with the way Levi and Sera's story has turned out. For those of you who wanted to learn more about Petey, this one has five scenes told from his viewpoint.

The other project is a SciFi Romance tentatively titled The Choosing. While my alpha reader tends to enjoy nearly everything I write, he absolutely loves The Choosing. It has a little of everything, action and adventure, explorations of cultures from two different worlds, spaceships and aliens, and a solid romance. I'm about halfway through the first draft. Right now, I have no idea what I'll do with The Choosing, but chances are good that if I really like it, I'll publish it later on this year.