Alien Mine, the third installment in the Pruxnae Series, is now available for just $.99 exclusively at Amazon. To celebrate its release, get Thief of Hearts (Book 1) for free and The Choosing (Book 2). Also get A Warrior’s Touch (Book 4) for just $.99 in the holiday collection, Alien Kisses and Holiday Wishes along with five…Continue reading Alien Mine Is Live, Plus a Sale on the Pruxnae Series
Month: October 2016
Pre-order Alien Mine, the Next Novel of the Pruxnae
Alien Mine, the follow up to The Choosing, is now available for pre-order for just $.99. It will be released on 21 October 2016, and a couple of days after that, the price will increase to $3.99. To pre-order Alien Mine now, click here. You can also read the first scene on the book’s page.I’m…Continue reading Pre-order Alien Mine, the Next Novel of the Pruxnae