The Choosing by Lucy Varna

Banana Split Landscapes?

I was rereading The Choosing the other day and ran across an interesting typo: near-dessert.

My first thought was, "What kind? Banana splits? Brownies? Raspberry swirl cheesecake?"

That would make for quite the alien landscape, eh?

But, of course, what I meant was near-desert.

The funniest thing about this isn't the imagery of people living in a banana split landscape, but that The Choosing had such a rigorous editing process and three typos still slipped through. Well, three that I caught in this read-through.

Readers remarked on the lack of typos when it was first published, so I guess I'm not the only one who wandered through fictional desserts instead of fictional deserts.


I'm refreshing my memory on my two main series, Daughters of the People and The Pruxnae, ahead of rebranding both with new covers.

Yes, again, for both of them. I can't quite find covers that fit the market. Hopefully, this time's the charm, especially as this past February marked the 10th anniversary of my first novel's publication. I can't believe The Prophecy is now ten years old!

And yes, I'm (still) working on the sequel to The Choosing and the final book in the Daughters of the People Series. But that's a conversation for another post.