News Roundup

I'm enjoying a blissful hour of solitude while my son is at music and Richard is in court. Funnily enough, last night I wrote a scene (for The Enemy Within) in which Indigo felt guilty for needing a little quiet time. Such is the life of the introvert.


Speaking of TEW, the first draft is about three scenes from being complete. Once it's done, I have to take some time off from fiction to develop a genealogy presentation and compile the newsletter I edit. After that, I'll dive back into writing by working on August's promised read.


If you've been poking around the site, you might've noticed a slight change to A Higher Purpose: It's now part of a series, The Witches of Cullowhee. Per my current writing schedule, a sequel will be published in August 2014. 

The sequel's title is still up in the air, but the main characters are not. The second installment of the WoC world will revolve around Lacey Monahan and Rafe Prewitt. Lacey is an out of work teacher. She visits Cullowhee searching for information on her great-grandmother, who moved from western North Carolina after 1910 to the West Coast so that her husband could work in the logging industry out there.

Yes, this was a real migration pattern. One of my first geneabuddies descended from families who went west looking for work. 

There's much, much more to this story, of course, but you'll have to wait until I actually write and publish it to learn that. Sorry!