Say Yes, the first Sons of the People novel, is now available for purchase through Amazon, All Romance eBooks, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Inktera, Kobo, and Smashwords at the special introductory price of $.99 (US). That price is good through Sunday, 19 April 2015 (US/Eastern). After that, the retail price will be $4.99. I will be releasing a paperback edition, but haven’t decided…Continue reading Say Yes Is Now Available!
Author: Lucy Varna
News Roundup
Marisa at Reading to Distraction posted a lovely review of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4). The answer is, soon, I promise. 🙂 * * * I’ve been a bit remiss about updating the Daughters of the People Series website. I spent a little time re-organizing it last night, including adding a series page for the Sons of the…Continue reading News Roundup
The Second Edition of The Prophecy at Amazon
I just received word from Amazon that they’ve approved the update to The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1) and will be notifying customers who downloaded the first edition that a newer, better version is available. If you purchased The Prophecy or downloaded it for free from Amazon prior to the release of the second edition (about 26…Continue reading The Second Edition of The Prophecy at Amazon
News Roundup
For the recent SciFi Romance cover, I asked opinions on my personal Facebook page from family and friends. Several people commented, a lot of people “liked” the discussions, and that was pretty much it, I thought. Nope! A few days ago, I was walking out of the grocery store and ran into a friend from…Continue reading News Roundup
Excerpt from Say Yes (A Sons of the People Novel)
Yes, it’s that time again, time for another excerpt from Say Yes (A Sons of the People Novel), scheduled for release in mid-April. (To read it, click the “Read More” link at the bottom right of the post.) Ok, I know I always tell y’all how excited I am about new releases, but this one’s a little…Continue reading Excerpt from Say Yes (A Sons of the People Novel)
The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1), 2nd ed.
After months of hard work, the second edition of The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1) is finally here. L.J. Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations just finished the cover, which is absolutely beautiful. L.J. does stunning work. If you haven’t dropped by her website and drooled over her covers, you definitely should. The changes between the first and…Continue reading The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1), 2nd ed.
The Cover for The Choosing, Take 2
So, I’m still fiddling with the cover for The Choosing (A Novel of the Pruxnae). That shouldn’t surprise anyone. The change this time was prompted by the discovery that my background picture was only 72 dpi, which, of course, isn’t nearly a good enough quality (especially considering that, for some odd reason, all the other pictures defaulted…Continue reading The Cover for The Choosing, Take 2
Cover Reveal: The Choosing (A Novel of the Pruxnae)
So, sometimes I get things stuck in my head and have to work them out before I can move on. One of the things I’ve had stuck there (for a while now) is learning how to do my own covers. As I’ve mentioned before, I write faster than I can afford to have covers made,…Continue reading Cover Reveal: The Choosing (A Novel of the Pruxnae)
News Roundup
The print edition of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) is now available through CreateSpace. It should be available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble within two weeks. I’ll be ordering copies at the end of this month, if not sooner, so if you’re a reviewer waiting on a print copy, never fear. It…Continue reading News Roundup
Levi’s Businesses
Next month marks the release of Say Yes, the first Sons of the People novel, and I think y’all are really going to enjoy it. Not only is it a great romance, there’s a lot of information packed into it about the People, from the perspectives of a male who grew up in that culture and…Continue reading Levi’s Businesses