"Tomorrow's Promise" (A Daughters of the People Story) by Lucy Varna

“Tomorrow’s Promise” is now available!

Tomorrow’s Promise” (A Daughters of the People Novelette) is now available to newsletter subscribers. This spin-off of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) takes place beginning in the first weekend of January after the end of IATB. It features Naomi Spillfeite and should not be read until completing IATB. (“Tomorrow’s Promise” completely gives the…Continue reading “Tomorrow’s Promise” is now available!

News Roundup

Tracy E. of Paranormal, Magic and Mischief wrote an awesome review of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4), calling it a “wonderfully written story filled with amazing details that has the reader glued to their seat waiting to find out what happens next!” Many thanks to Tracy for taking the time to read and review the Daughters…Continue reading News Roundup

In All Things Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) by Lucy Varna

Now Available: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) is now available for purchase at Amazon. Until sometime early Monday morning Eastern Standard Time (23 February 2015), the e-book can be purchased for $.99. After that, the regular retail price will be $2.99. Due to a small snafu on my end, Book 4 is not currently…Continue reading Now Available: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

In All Things Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) by Lucy Varna

Excerpt: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

The release of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) is right around the corner. It marks the midpoint of the Daughters of the People Series. Yes, the story is halfway complete!  As always, I’m excited to share another piece of the overall story with y’all. First, though, the description: The People are in…Continue reading Excerpt: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

News Roundup

I had a really awesome surprise this afternoon when I started my workday. Marisa at Reading to Distraction posted a glowing review of Light’s Bane (Daughters of the People, Book 2), calling Dani a “certified sparkplug who is tough as nails and isn’t about to let a guy (even a really awesome one) interfere with duty.” I’ve always wondered why…Continue reading News Roundup

News Roundup

Marisa G. of Reading to Distraction posted another great review of one of my books, this one about The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1). She recommends it for “folks looking for a little of everything in a fun and modern mythological tale” and says “Varna cleverly layers romance on top of an adventure without detriment to any…Continue reading News Roundup

In All Things Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4) by Lucy Varna

Cover Reveal: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

Well, it’s the first of the year and, as promised, here’s the cover for In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4). Isn’t it great? L.J. Anderson, the cover designer, is doing a fantastic job with these. IATB is scheduled for release next month. I don’t have a description yet; that’s usually one of the last…Continue reading Cover Reveal: In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4)

The Christmas Surprise (A Daughters of the People Story) by Lucy Varna

A New Daughters of the People Short Story: The Christmas Surprise

I’ve been promising this story for a while, and at last, it’s here. “The Christmas Surprise” is a short story featuring Dani Nehring and Dave Winstead. It’s set during the Christmas after the conclusion of Light’s Bane (Daughters of the People, Book 2) and is one of several stories available exclusively to newsletter subscribers, the only one to date…Continue reading A New Daughters of the People Short Story: The Christmas Surprise