News Roundup

The blog posts hosted on my old Weebly site have now been completely moved to this one. Some irrelevant ones were deleted, a few carried over without their accompanying pictures, and I tried to update what URLs I could, to aid with navigation and SEO. Other than that, they were (largely) moved wholesale without any…Continue reading News Roundup

News Roundup

Tracy E. of Paranormal, Magic and Mischief wrote an awesome review of In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4), calling it a “wonderfully written story filled with amazing details that has the reader glued to their seat waiting to find out what happens next!” Many thanks to Tracy for taking the time to read and review the Daughters…Continue reading News Roundup

News Roundup

I had a really awesome surprise this afternoon when I started my workday. Marisa at Reading to Distraction posted a glowing review of Light’s Bane (Daughters of the People, Book 2), calling Dani a “certified sparkplug who is tough as nails and isn’t about to let a guy (even a really awesome one) interfere with duty.” I’ve always wondered why…Continue reading News Roundup