Light’s Bane, the second installment in the Daughters of the People series, will be released next week. The target date is 13 June; however, both the print and e-book editions may be available slightly before then. To celebrate the release of LB, I’m having a small sale. The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1) will be available for…Continue reading News Roundup
Category: Updates
News Roundup
Friday’s newsletter is going out today. I apologize for the delay. Unfortunately, it was unavoidable. I’m still trying to ease my way out of my old business to make time for writing, which means honoring those prior commitments. Hopefully, this won’t be an issue after the end of this month. *** My goal when I…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
I just realized it’s been nearly a week since my last post. Sorry about that! It’s been really busy around here. I have multiple projects that are due between now and the end of June, and am working hard to get everything done on time. One of those projects is the final edit of Light’s Bane (Daughters…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
One other blog picked up the cover reveal for Light’s Bane after my initial post thanking everyone: Books by Kristy Centeno Thanks, Kristy! *** A Wicked Love is about one-third finished. This is the second installment in the Witches of Cullowhee series and its running a little longer than I expected. The target release date is in August…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
I’m enjoying a blissful hour of solitude while my son is at music and Richard is in court. Funnily enough, last night I wrote a scene (for The Enemy Within) in which Indigo felt guilty for needing a little quiet time. Such is the life of the introvert. *** Speaking of TEW, the first draft is…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
Every once in a while, I come across something so hilarious I have to share it, like Meljean Brook’s five-part Diary of an Author. Here, Brook (or M.B., as she styles herself in these entries) fictionally delves into increasingly obsessive author behavior, including creating fake e-mails in order to leave fake reviews, Internet arguments with reviewers,…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
The cover for Light’s Bane has been finalized and will be revealed at a blog TBA on 29 April 2014. The cover blurb is up on the book’s page. As soon as I can, I’ll have an official cover reveal through my newsletter and on this blog, so keep an eye out for that. LB is scheduled for publication…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
I spent the afternoon picking out a photo for Light’s Bane’s cover, and all I can say is wow. I never thought being a romance writer would be so hard, what with writing about sex and viewing photos of gorgeous male chests. Yup, it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it… Actually, writing sex scenes is…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
L.J. Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations has agreed to design the cover for Light’s Bane, the second book in the Daughters of the People series. It will likely be more along the lines of other paranormal romance covers. L.J. did a fantastic job on the cover for The Prophecy, and I look forward to working with her again. In fact, I…Continue reading News Roundup
News Roundup
A quote from Richard, referring to Adam Cowan, the hero in A Higher Purpose: “I’m just mad because he’s running with his shirt off, which means he’s skinny enough that when [Ella] knits him a sweater, he ain’t gonna be too fat to wear it.” *** Speaking of A Higher Purpose, the manuscript has been finalized, except…Continue reading News Roundup