January 2025's free Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance books, a post by Lucy Varna

January’s FREE Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance Books!

This month, fill your ereader with deliciously fun SciFi, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romances…for free! Let’s start with two of my own books. Thief of Hearts is a captive bride SciFi Romance and a prequel to the Pruxnae Series. I wrote this story for fans of my first SciFi Romance novel, The Choosing, which takes place…Continue reading January’s FREE Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance Books!

Publishers Dumbing Down SciFi Romance? Say It Ain’t So!

One of the blogs I follow is The Galaxy Express, managed by awesome SciFi Romance enthusiast and author Heather Massey. Yesterday, she posted a long screed against an unnamed publisher. The problem? The publisher asked one of its authors, a friend of Heather’s, to expunge thousands of words of “worldbuilding, science fictional concepts, essential details related to the…Continue reading Publishers Dumbing Down SciFi Romance? Say It Ain’t So!