News Roundup

L.J. Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations has agreed to design the cover for Light's Bane, the second book in the Daughters of the People series. It will likely be more along the lines of other paranormal romance covers.

L.J. did a fantastic job on the cover for The Prophecy, and I look forward to working with her again. In fact, I hope she'll agree to do all of the covers; she's just that good.


Work on the first draft of The Enemy Withinthe third book in the Daughters of the People series, continues at a good pace. Several familiar characters make an appearance in this one, including Rebecca Upton, her son, Bobby, and the twins, Indigo and India. Several new characters will also be introduced, including two of Bobby's Army buddies. And, this is where we get the first clue as to who or what the Light is. All in all, it's going to be a humdinger.


Those of you who know me will laugh, but I actually have a writing schedule so that I can keep track of which story is in what part of the publishing process. After the first draft of TEW is finished, I'm probably going to work on a stand alone novel set in the Daughters of the People universe. The story I have in mind follows Hawthorne, who was briefly introduced in The Prophecy

Once that one's done, I'll be working on two novellas I hope to publish later this year, in between releasing stories about the People. I haven't decided exactly what the first novella will be about. It might be set in the world I explored in A Higher Purpose, depending upon how people react to the latter story. Then again, I might go in another direction entirely. 

I have no such hesitation for the second novella. It's a surprise that I'd like to hold onto for a little while longer, but I hope it will be a good one.