News Roundup

The blog tour continues with interviews at Inspired Writers and The Single Librarian. Thanks to both of these bloggers for having me by. 

I'll also be participating in a multi-author party hosted by Chelsea Author Promotions sometime after 27 October. More news on this as the date approaches.


Don't forget about the giveaway (link to the right at the top). One lucky winner will receive signed paperback copies of The Prophecy and Light's Bane, as well as a book charm featuring the cover of The Enemy Within

The book charm was made by Southwest Sky Jewelry on Etsy, and they turned out really great. I hope to have more done for each book in the Daughters of the People Series. Boy, my key chain is gonna get full!


Progress on Say Yes continues apace. It's sitting right now at around 109,000 words, with more story left. (It is winding down, I promise.) I've nicknamed it Plot Gone Wild. Yup, might have to do a little weed whacking on this one, hopefully with a good developmental editor's help. Right now, it's scheduled for release in April 2015.


Speaking of schedules, I've somewhat rearranged my writing and publication schedule for titles published under the Lucy Varna name. I've officially dropped the Witches of Cullowhee Series from my writing lineup, which, right now, consists entirely of works that will fall into the Daughters of the People world. I've pushed back publication of Book 6.5 (formerly called Interstitial Novel 2), Redemption, which will feature India and Hiro (see The Enemy Within) to February 2016 and Book 7, War's Last Refuge, to June 2016. Doing this will allow me to build up plenty of space between when a first draft is written and when the book is published. It will also allow time for unexpected projects, like Say Yes.

Don't worry. I'm not abandoning the Witches of Cullowhee Series. I fully plan to write two more titles to round it out, though I'm not certain when that will happen. I'm particularly excited about the last planned book in the series (One word: Migs. Uh-huh. I knew you'd understand.), so expect more news on the WoC Series next year.