News Roundup

I've been working on a second edition of The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1). Yesterday, the talented L.J. Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations got back in touch with me with a tentative date for the new cover. If all works out as expected, the second edition could be live in early March. In anticipation of this, I've begun pulling the first edition from stores. The (first edition) e-book is still available through Amazon and Kobo (see the book's page for links) as a free download. The paperback has limited availability through Amazon and other sellers.


I've entered Tempered (A Daughters of the People Novel) in the Georgia Romance WritersMaggie Awards. This is the first fiction writing contest I've ever entered. Please keep your fingers crossed!


Every once in a while, I take a good, long look at this website and update the content, rearrange items into a more efficient flow, and so on. I'm on the tail end of doing that now. Hopefully, this won't disrupt anyone's ability to find information on each book. 

The good news is that nearly every time I do this, I come up with a new idea for a story or find motivation to work on an old idea. One of my eventual goals is to gather shorter stories set in the Daughters of the People world into an anthology and publish it sometime after the final book in the series comes out. I have a growing list of stories I'd like to work on, including some historical fiction that will explain/illuminate pertinent parts of the People's past and how they came to be where they are now. I also have a few contemporary pieces I'd like to add in. My list right now, other than what's already published, includes:

  • How the Woman with No Face got the scar around her neck. 
  • How Rebecca the Blade earned Silverthorn.
  • How the Prophecy of Light came into being.
  • "The Right Brother," a contemporary short that's a spin-off (of sorts) to In All Things, Balance (Daughters of the People, Book 4). 

Whether or not I'll actually find time to research and write these stories is another thing. Over the past month or so, I've been developing my goals and writing schedule for 2015. I've set a very realistic writing pace based on my time and the amount of work I can do each writing day. If I can maintain it (and there's no reason to believe I can't), I should be able to finish the six novels I have scheduled, plus two novels I'd like to work on, plus most of the shorter works, with plenty of room to spare. 

At some point, I'd also like to revisit the Witches of Cullowhee Series. I've scheduled time later this year to take a hard look at the series and its direction. Originally, I had planned on doing a total of four stories set in that world, after which I'd planned on writing two novels for a spin-off series. I'd still like to write those stories, but for now I'm concentrating on the stories that appeal the most to readers. If you'd like to weigh in on this, feel free to contact me. I'm always open to reader feedback.