Kobo Plus

Kobo Plus Expands into the US and the UK

Kobo has expanded its Kobo Plus reading and listening subscriptions to the US and the UK.

The subscription prices are quite low and include an option to subscribe to both the reading and listening services for $9.99 per month.

For readers, this means having a lower-cost access to the many indie (and other) titles, like mine, that aren't available through Amazon's Kindle Unlimited subscription program.

For authors, this means offering a lower-cost access option without having to be exclusive to one retailer, a requirement for participation in the KU program.

To be fair, neither Kindle Unlimited nor Kobo Plus pays well, but most authors participate in order to provide plenty of options for readers of every stripe.

Kobo is offering a 30-day free trial for anyone interested in trying out Kobo Plus. Most of my books published under the Celia Roman and Lucy Varna names are currently available there, making this a perfect time to read through my various series.

Happy reading!