New Covers for The Prophecy and Light’s Bane

L.J. Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations is responsible for the lovely covers of the Daughters of the People series. While booking her time to create covers for the next three books in the series, I asked her to update the covers for The Prophecy and Light's Bane. The changes for LB were relatively simple updates to the fonts for the title and author. TP received a face lift and I'm very happy with it.

The Prophecy (Daughters of the People, Book 1) by Lucy Varna
Light's Bane (Daughters of the People, Book 2) by Lucy Varna

Aren't those great? L.J. is putting the finishing touches on the cover for The Enemy Within, the third book in this series. It will go on a cover reveal tour (we haven't set the date yet), after which I'll show it off to y'all. Yes, show it off! L.J. does great covers and I'm very pleased she's working with me on these.