News Roundup

Tempered's blog tour is rolling merrily along. Memories in a BoxLaurie's Thoughts and Reviews, and Book Freebies and Giveaways posted excerpts. Dark Writer and Cryptic Reads wrote nice reviews. I really appreciate the posts and reviews.

Don't forget the giveaway going on as part of the tour. A link to details on entering is to the right.


You can find anything on the internet. I was doing a little research for Book 4 (that I'll also need for subsequent books, particularly Book 6) and came across a list of mountain biking trails in Konya Province, Turkey, near Catalhoyuk. I'm trying to get Richard to go. Because, you know, Turkey is such a safe place to visit right now. But, hey! Mountain biking trails!


The forsythia bush in Richard's backyard has a single, yellow bloom on it. It normally starts blooming in late January to early February. Good thing the ice/snow forecast was changed to rain.


I received print copies of Tempered in the mail today. Woot! They look awesome. L.J.'s doing a fantastic job with the covers, don't y'all think? Anywho, if you're an ARC reader, you've left a review, and you'd like a print copy, let me know and I'll be happy to send one your way. If you'd like to be an ARC reader, shoot me an e-mail and I'll put you on the list for future stories.